2025 American Heritage Festival

America’s Living History Foundation will present the 8th Annual American Heritage Festival on Graham’s Historic Farm in Lake City on February 15-16, 2025.  This living history event celebrates the Pee Dee area’s influence in winning the American Revolution. SC Humanities supported this event with a Mini Grant.

The American Heritage Festival investigates the role of the Pee Dee in the American Revolution and particularly how its community support of Francis Marion and his men, who staged attacks on the British in the early 1780s, helped turn the tide of the war.  The event includes Continental and British encampments; Cannon and musket firing demonstrations; Revolutionary War battle re-enactments; Colonial trade demonstrators and workshops; historical speakers, and 18th century vendors.  Additionally, in honor of Francis Marion’s mostly Scots- Irish militia, the Men and Women’s Scots-Irish Games will be held on the farm including tabor toss, hammer throw, tug of war and more.  The Celtic band, Eireann’s Call, will be playing throughout the weekend, and the Palmetto Pipes and Drums Band will march on center field.  Food, beer and wine will be available under the party tent.

The full 2025 event schedule is available on the American Heritage Festival website here: https://www.theamericanheritagefestival.com/.

The American Heritage Festival takes place at Graham’s Historic Farm, a property that has remained in the Graham family since its founding in 1783. The location played an important role in the American Revolution, serving as a site where Francis Marion brought British prisoners after his victory at the Battle of Tearcoat Swamp. The farm is located at 843 McCutcheon Road, Lake City, SC.

General admission tickets are $17.50 per person and can be purchased online here: https://www.theamericanheritagefestival.com/tickets.

The mission of SC Humanities is to enrich the cultural and intellectual lives of all South Carolinians. Established in 1973, this 501(c)3 organization is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors comprised of community leaders from throughout the state. It presents and supports literary initiatives, lectures, exhibits, festivals, publications, oral history projects, videos, and other humanities-based experiences that directly or indirectly reach more than 250,000 citizens annually. South Carolina Humanities receives funding from the National Endowment for the Humanities as well as corporate, foundation and individual donors. The National Endowment for the Humanities: Democracy demands wisdom.