Historic Camden Foundation Anniversary and New Welcome Exhibit

Historic Camden Foundation will open a new permanent exhibit about colonial mercantile business at the entrance to their property as part of their anniversary programming on Saturday, November 6, 2021. SC Humanities supported this project with a Major Grant.

The exhibit will feature the founding fathers of the Kershaw County area, setting the historical stage for visitors to better understand the colonial backcountry of South Carolina, its importance to the American story, and the important role it played in the Revolutionary War. The exhibit will particularly highlight Joseph Kershaw, John Chesnut, and John Cantey, as well as the commodities being made in the area and the trading activities with the indigenous peoples.

The exhibit will be unveiled as part of Historic Camden Foundation’s 51st Anniversary Celebration on Saturday, November 6. The schedule for the day includes:

SC Department of Archives & History Presentation at Liberty Hall:
Discover Our Path in the American Revolution
212 Broad Street, Camden, SC

9:00 Welcome Dr. Fritz Hamer
9:05 – 9:40 American Revolution Era Documents in the SC Archives and starting your American Revolution Genealogical Research, Dr. Eric Emerson
9:40 – 10:05 The Liberty Trail, Bill Davies
10:05 – 10:30 SC’s American Revolution 250th Celebration Charles Baxley
10:30 – 10:40 Break
10:40 – 11:30 Lafayette in South Carolina, Bill Davies

12:30 – 4:00 p.m.
222 Broad Street, Camden, SC
Tavern tastings by L’Julia Maze Catering
2nd Annual Brick Kiln Firing
Making quicklime from the burning of oyster shells in a lime rick
Wood firing pottery in the Bottle Kiln for the first time

6:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Oyster Roast
Tickets: $30 per person and $50 per couple

Historic Camden Foundation is a 501(c)3 private non-profit whose mission is to protect, educate, and celebrate Camden’s extraordinary Colonial and American Revolutionary War history. Learn more about the Historic Camden Foundation and their https://www.historiccamden.org/.

The mission of SC Humanities is to enrich the cultural and intellectual lives of all South Carolinians. Established in 1973, this 501(c) 3 organization is governed by a volunteer 21-member Board of Directors comprised of community leaders from throughout the state. It presents and/or supports literary initiatives, lectures, exhibits, festivals, publications, oral history projects, videos and other humanities-based experiences that directly or indirectly reach more than 250,000 citizens annually.