The Heritage Library Foundation on Hilton Head Island will present a one-day forum about the “Revolutionary War in the Lowcountry.” On Friday, November 9, seven scholars will be featured at Christ Lutheran Church highlighting the antebellum history of the Lowcountry, including the Revolutionary War and the Plantation era. SC Humanities supported this program with a Mini Grant.
The “Revolutionary War in the Lowcountry” forum will include two panel presentations, a luncheon address, and a reception at the historic Zion Chapel of Ease site. Tickets for the forum (which include continental breakfast, lunch, and reception) are $65/per person; students of any age are admitted free. Tickets include all of the programming, continental breakfast, lunch, and late afternoon wine and hors d’oeuvres reception at Zion Chapel of Ease Cemetery with opportunity to meet individually with conference speakers.
Featured speakers include:
Dr. J. Brent Morris – Keynote Speaker: Associate Professor of History and Humanities Dept. Chair, University of South Carolina Beaufort; The Southern Campaign: The Conflict that Turned the Tide of the American Revolution
Jim Jordan – Author and History Lecturer; The Battles of Savannah, 1778 and 1779
Douglas W. Bostic – Executive Director and CEO of the South Carolina Battleground Preservation Trust; Purrysburg in the Revolutionary War: American Headquarters and Battlefield
Rich Thomas – Heritage Library Board Member and History Department Lecturer; The Beaufort District Militia and HHI’s Bloody Legion in the Revolution
David Reuwer – David works as an attorney and serves as Municipal Judge of the Town
of Elgin, but his avocation is to save and interpret Revolutionary War battlefields in the southern states, serving on the boards of the SC Battleground Preservation Trust and Historic Camden Foundation. The Battle of Port Royal Island
Dr. Donald Wright – Distinguished Teaching Professor of History, Emeritus, at SUNY-Cortland, where he taught African, African-American, and world history for 31 years. Slavery and the Slave Trade in the Lowcounytry during the Revolutionary War
Mr. Frank Genello – Master Craftsman and owner of the American Building Restoration Company; Restoration of the Baynard Mausoleum
Dr. Matt Sanger – Assistant Professor. Binghamton University; Archaeology Studies at the Zion Cemetery
The mission of SC Humanities is to enrich the cultural and intellectual lives of all South Carolinians. Established in 1973, this 501(c) 3 organization is governed by a volunteer 20-member Board of Directors comprised of community leaders from throughout the state. It presents and/or supports literary initiatives, lectures, exhibits, festivals, publications, oral history projects, videos and other humanities-based experiences that directly or indirectly reach more than 250,000 citizens annually.