The Citadel Oral History program has conducted an oral history project called “Las Voces Del Lowcountry” documenting the diverse experiences of Latinos who make the Charleston-are their home. Twenty-five interviews were collected, and a public program will take place on February 26, 2014 that will discuss the interview process and raise challenging policy issues regarding immigration, education, and employment. SC Humanities supported this project with a Major Grant in February 2013.
Since 2000, the Latino population of South Carolina grew by over 148%, a higher growth rate than any other state, and the Latino Lowcountry population grew by an even faster rate. The “Las Voces Del Lowcountry” project proposes to raise the profile of Latinos in the Lowcountry and in the state while deepening the public’s understanding of the social and historical forces that have led to their arrival, to encourage thoughtful discussion of immigration, employment, education and other issues of central importance to Latinos, and to help speed the political and social maturation of the Latino communities of the Lowcountry so that they enjoy the basic human rights to which they are entitled.
On Wednesday, February 26, 2014, the Citadel Oral History Program will present a public program on “Las Voces Del Lowcountry: Documenting the Lives of our Newest Neighbors.” The conversation will be facilitated by Kerry Taylor and Marina Lopez. The event will take place at the Olde Village Community Building in North Charleston from 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. For more information, contact Kerry Taylor at 843-953-5357.
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