South Carolina Federation of Museums Annual Conference

The South Carolina Federation of Museums will present their annual conference with the theme of “Pieces of the Puzzle: Emerging, Embracing, and Expanding” on March 13 – 15, 2013 in Greenwood, SC. Museum professionals from around South Carolina with gather to learn, share best practices, and plan for the future. SC Humanities supported this conference through a Mini Grant in November 2012.

The South Carolina Federation of Museums is a nonprofit professional membership organization that represents and acts in the interests of museums in South Carolina. This annual conference will help museums think about emerging from the financial difficulties of the last few years, embracing new technologies and projects, and expanding their offerings. The conference will feature lectures by museum professionals and will include a keynote address by Jenks Farmer, the former curator of the botanical gardens at Riverbanks Zoo and Garden in Columbia, SC.

South Carolina museums reach thousands of residents and tourists annually and play an important role in preserving our local history and heritage. SC Humanities is supportive of museums in South Carolina as an important part of the state’s cultural infrastructure.

For more information about the South Carolina Federation of Museums and their annual conference, please visit the website:

The mission of SC Humanities is to enrich the cultural and intellectual lives of all South Carolinians. SC Humanities programs and initiatives are balanced, reflecting sensitivity to the diversity of ideas, encourage open dialogue, demonstrate integrity, and are ethical in operations.