Stanton Green
Dr. Stanton W. Green is Professor Emeritus and dean of liberal arts (retired) at Monmouth University, U.S.A. He served as lecturer at University College Cork in 1985. He holds a B.A. in Anthropology from the Stony Brook University and an M.A. and Ph.D. in Anthropology from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. He taught for 18 years at the University of South Carolina.
Dr. Green has directed major archaeological research in South Carolina and Ireland and has published over 50 major papers and co-edited three major archaeological volumes. His latest publication (with C. Green and J. Schuldenrein) is Archaeology as a Public Good (2021) Archaeologies, Journal of the World Archaeology Congress. His is currently director of the Creadan Archaeology Project an international heritage project on the first settlers of southeastern Ireland.
He has also researched baseball history for the past 30 years speaking and publishing on the history of baseball and why it is so important to American History. He has spoken at the National Baseball Hall of Fame, the Little League Museum as well as many local historical societies, libraries and local community centers about baseball and American history.