New Scholar Joins Speakers Bureau: Humanities Out Loud
SC Humanities welcomes Joseph McGill to the program's roster.
SC Humanities welcomes Joseph McGill to the program's roster.
SC Humanities seeks part-time business administrative assistant.
SC Humanities supports a series of statewide film previews.
The 14th annual South Carolina Humanities Festival will be held in Newberry, September 13 – 16. Hosted by the Newberry Opera House, the festival is sponsored by SC Humanities.
The Humanities Council SC invites nominations for its Board of Directors.
The next Major grant round will have a preliminary draft due on August 3rd, 2007 and a final draft deadline of August 17th, 2007. Learn more»
The Key Ingredients: America by Food traveling Smithsonian exhibit explores how the food we eat connects us to our communities, heritage, and national culture.
Celebrating 30 years… Since securing federal funds through the National Endowment for the Humanities in 1972 and awarding its first grant, the Humanities Council has offered the riches of the humanities to diverse audiences across the state. Perspectives have been broadened over the last 30 years as membership on the statewide board of directors has … Read more